I-KEA this office is nice.

So yesterday we were finally able to make a stop at Ikea to gather up some supplies for the office of my Dreaaaaams.
Okay I actually don’t dream about offices, but I had obsessively scanned Pinterest for days looking at ideas on how to make a nice office space.
I came up with an idea, and also someone tipped me off on a CHEAP way of doing it.
Kids. Seriously. Don’t buy premade desks, buy your table tops and legs separate. SO much cheaper. Brilliant. Thank you Ikea! It’s SO GOOD and I love it SO much. I’m very excited to get this room finished with the rest of our plans for it. But meanwhile, I am seriously enjoying working at a functional computer desk, and I get to have my man right beside me when he comes home (instead of being at the dining room table. Blah.) But I’m getting ahead of myself. We actually had a great weekend.

Saturday, we finally had a free weekend together (thank goodnessss) so we had a glorious sleep in. Then, a friend of ours hasn’t been feeling well the last while and boyo decided to invite him over for some fun and games and hang out etc.
We also planned on cleaning up and buying groceries.
So our friend came over earlier than I expected, and as we finished a bit of tidying, he played with Isabella.
We also ventured to the grocery store and managed to spend enough at Superstore that they gave us a free hanging plant! I’m very excited about it, I had wanted to get some flowers for our patio area.

We had a grand time that evening making nachos, searching for Mario Party 8 (impossible), inviting a plethora of other people over, and playing video games and laughing at each other.

Sunday was our trip to Ikea and subsequent putting together of all that we bought.

Then, this morning… holy crap. What is this??? I woke up to this in the morning!

imageAnd of course, Isabella still insisted on going outside because cat.

imageSo I hastily brought my flowers inside this morning. Oddly enough, it is beautiful and sunny and the grass is green this afternoon. Weird. Must be the proximity to the mountains.

And once again, I am brought back to the present, where I sit and type this post. At this beautiful desk that I’m so pumped about.

It’s really awesome. I’m just loving it.

I’d like to get chairs next, probably. As well as a rug, but those things can be expensive. Especially a large one. The floor protectors are currently on the cardboard they came with because they are the carpet kind with the nubbies on the bottom. So I don’t want to scratch the floor with them. Sigh.

The other side of the room needs either a day bed or a large comfy chair. We are also going to put up shelving for my man’s record player and record collection. He’s pretty excited about that.

I’ve also got room now for my exercise mat, so I managed to do a work out today. I’m even eating well today, go me! I’ve taken my before photos and I’m hoping with a lot of consistency, I’ll be able to show you all some after photos in a couple of weeks.
I’ve been doing a program that focuses on building muscle in my bum and legs, since I hate that area most. I’m avoiding cardio for the most part as I’m not looking for major fat loss, and by building and gaining muscle, it will help burn fat.
I’m also trying (and failing a lot) to eat healthy and drink a lot of water. This will help me shape my body tremendously. I’ve also got some issues with dry skin with this new climate, and breakouts on my back, chest and face. Likely due to the different climate as well. So I’m thinking lots of water and good food will help my skin too. Though I want to look into some vitamins to help with that as well.

I really want to get to a place where I love my body, and this is the first step!

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m pretty sure Isabella has tangled herself up outside, because cat, and she’ll need my assistance to be untangled.

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