Category Archives: Motivation

Putz Putz putzing about

So my initial plan was to post about my fitness progress with my next post. Which means I’ve been completely inactive in blogging because of that.
We’ve had a girl staying with us for the past week and she has taken residence in my office on an air mattress. If you recall, my plan was to make my office a bit of an exercise room as well. (I can’t actually remember if I mentioned that before or not.)
It’s occupado right now so I can’t really do that at the moment. I’ve also left my weights in the trunk of the car, which is always gone in the mornings so I always forget to grab them before it leaves or while it’s around.
EXCUSES, I know. But I’ve always had a hard time staying motivated.

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Some inspiration

I have the dreaded evening shift today and was allowed to sleep in this morning. A rarity, because I am woken every morning at about 5AM to the sound of my man’s alarm clock. (Sometimes 3 or 4 times, since he will hit snooze some mornings. Joy.)

So this morning I wanted to start my day in as much of a zen mood as I could. Yesterday was a long and tedious day of work for me and I wanted to be calm, quiet and relaxed for my day today.

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What a glorious

and cold Monday.
Okay when I say Glorious it really wasn’t glorious. Just regular I’d say. But I’ve begun stumbling upon the realization of what I’d like to make of myself. It’s just a quiet thought on the horizon right now but we’ll see how it progresses as I finally take a leap of freakin’ faith.

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